Welcome to the HGN itch.io!
The Historical Games Network (HGN) brings together academics, game makers and other cultural workers to explore the relationship between history and games, of all kinds and broadly defined. We aim to engage a diversity of perspectives, to support – and offer a platform to – new voices in the field, and to speak to a broad audience, both professional and public. We offer a supportive, thoughtful and moderated space, in which discussions focus on historical issues relevant to scholars, to the games industry and to the institutions of public history and cultural heritage.
HGN was imagined as a meeting space for discussing and sharing ideas related to key themes and topics within the study of history and games, every quarter the HGN site publishes a series of guest contributions on a regular basis (blog posts, book reviews, literature reviews and state-of-the-field posts, game reviews, event reviews, game analysis or post-mortems, podcast recordings, video essays, or other types of creative contribution people are interested in sharing), all of which speak to a central, dedicated theme.
At the end of each quarter, the HGN organise an online event, such as a panel discussion bringing together speakers from academia, the games industry and the broader cultural/heritage industry, that speaks to the HGN’s quarterly theme.
Our itch.io page is a place for Historical themed Game Jams and related content. More news pending :-)